Thursday, September 2, 2010

Taking the road less traveled.

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."

The often-quoted poem by Robert Frost has become almost cliche at this point, but still holds intense and viable truth to those who choose to contemplate it.  I suppose the people who choose to contemplate it are actually taking the road less traveled.  Is that considered irony? Or just amusing?

When I was younger, I wanted what every little girl wanted: to fall deeply in love, get married in a gorgeous white gown, have lots of babies, and own a ton of shoes. Oh, and this was all by the time I was 23, of course, because I would have sown my wild oats by then and would be financially and emotionally prepared... of course. As I have grown older and wiser, I have learned that any sort of plan or time table is a joke.  I believe that God has a plan for me, whether it works with the sketch I have laid out for myself or not, I'm ready for the adventure. 

At the ripe old age of ::sigh:: 26, nothing is as I thought it would be, and I am strangely comfortable with it all.  I do want to get married, but am no longer longing for that big white wedding, and don't feel I will be missing out by getting married on a beach or at a park, like my parents.  I still very much want to have children, but that's another post entirely. I will say, in regards to offsprings, I am not binding myself to the tradition of being married first.  Yes, this contradicts my Christian faith, and I would prefer to have a father-figure around, but again, another post.  I am working on the shoe collection.

Looking back, had you told me that I would not only be starting my entire life over at 26, but would have a completely different set of morals, values & priorities, I would be shocked. Or would I? Would I have taken measures to prevent this life?  Would I have accepted my fate?  Do I believe in fate? Ha, who let me have a blog?

So as I take this road, be it well-worn by the soles of adventure-seekers or untouched except by the sun, it'll all be here.  Read it, don't read it, but be sweet.  

Do something to make yourself smile.  Sit in a funny chair, write a note to yourself and hide it in your jeans or jacket, or call someone to catch up and offer them encouragement.  


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