Thursday, November 11, 2010

Manifested People?

Whether or not you recognize it, you are faced daily with decisions that alter the rest of your life.  Sometimes these are major decisions; such as moving to another hemisphere or switching careers.  Sometimes they are smaller decisions; like taking a walk instead of watching television or going with a friend to one bar instead of another.  Sometimes, when the fates are smiling, these less obvious decisions turn out to be one of the greatest things to ever happen to you.

The challenge in life is to see beyond what these decisions result in and to see the beautiful additions they present to your life.  I have recently had a lot of blessings appear in my life out of a proverbial nowhere.  I use, "proverbial" because I know it was manifested somehow... My mind and heart became more open to whatever it was I subconsciously wanting in my life.  Some extraordinary people have recently entered into my life, and for that I am forever thankful.  I never would have found these connections without a simple decision to leave one place and head to another; a whim, if you will.  Spontaneity changed my life, even if only slightly, but it's enough to stick with me and warm my heart on the rainy days. 

Is it possible that I manifested people to come into my life by appreciating my 'sponsoring thoughts' without me even knowing it?  Did I switch from fear... to love? (See the book, Conversations with God for further understanding.)  Somehow, I must have opened up a hidden door and allowed myself to be magnificent again, as the people entering my life mirror just that: magnificence.

Either way, it is a wonderful reminder, when fantastic people enter your life, to continue to thrive and live hard and purposefully. These people re-open your eyes and reinvigorate that which is sleeping inside you, and it's fantastic.  I have always felt myself fortunate in life, having the chance to travel, gain a greater education and meet some of the most incredible people on the planet.  I love when life looks at me and says, "You ain't seen nothing yet..." 

So as I wander these paths, I know the hearts of those I have connected with are with me, as I am with them.

"The purpose of life, after all, is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experiences." - Eleanor Roosevelt


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